Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Another time...

Chances are slim
that we meet again
and sip a cup of
sizzling chai together
in the winters 
of the east
or have a moment 
or two
with each other
where one need not
say a word
but eyes
speak out the soul

When would I 
laugh again
for reasons
I don't know
or wait for
you to arrive
over my sleepless night

Perhaps, I could
close my eyes
and feel you
hold it at that
else, it may
flood the river
running deep inside...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The song of every season

My heart never learned
the gimmicks of time
My feet never learned
to stop in the mad dance
I was born a wanderer,  I still am a vagabond
So every time the sun sets
calling in my ears
or the shining night moon
that advances me to a beautiful dawn
My constant companion
is the shade of the pine trees
I owe them the solace 
of my whirling soul
and may be there will be 
a time to rest on a shoulder
until the cuckoo comes calling
and the spring comes to life again
Till then I am
the song of every season...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

silver fern

in the wilderness
of the leaves and the rocks
a green carpet of wild ferns
covers up walls and walls
of the mountains passing by
and it is deceptive
because the silver is
hiding in its back
and not everyone is
supposed to know my friend
i love the impression it makes
as i carry it on my hand
protecting it from
the cold chill of the night
but it won't stay forever
like every thing
that is beautiful
is meant to part
after delivering the joys
so the wild silver fern
shrinks itself in glory
and you won't even recognise
now the silver is gone
and so is the green
but the wild still remains
and I smile...